Joint EIGG (Environmental & Industrial Geophysics Group) and RSPSoc Meeting (The Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Society)
Venue: Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
Date: Thursday December 16th 2004
- 9.00 – 9.25 – Registration
- 9.25-9.30 Introduction – conference overview
- 9.30-9.50 Geophysics and the locating of clandestine graves – out of its depth? Paul Cheetham, Bournemouth University
- 9.55-10.15 Geophysics in the wider context of forensic search. J R Hunter and B Simpson, The University of Birmingham
- 10.20-10.30 Searching for the IRA ‘disappeared’: ground-penetrating radar survey of cemetery graves, N.Ireland. Peter Wilson & Alastair Ruffell, Queen’s University Belfast
- 10.30-10.40 Second Short Geophysics presentation.
- 10.45 – 11.15 Coffee & Posters.
- 11.15-11.35 Cyrax Laser Scanning aids Criminal, Built Environment and Archaeological Investigations. Conor Graham & John Meneely, Gridpoint Solutions, Belfast & Queen’s University, Belfast
- 11.40 – 12.00 The integration of Wearable Computer Technology into Forensic Archaeological Practice. Paul Smith, Prof. John Hunter, Dr. Chris Baber, Dr. Sandra Woolley & Dr. James Cross, University of Birmingham
- 12.05-12.25 Extending the Remote Sensing Record: Using Declassified Intelligence Satellite Imagery for Landscape Reconstruction in the Middle East. Keith Challis, University of Birmingham & Julian Henderson, University of Nottingham
- 12.30 – 2pm. EIGG Meeting and Lunch.
- 2-2.20 Bedfordshire Police and Photogrammetry. Bob Wagstaff & Dave Dyer, Bedfordshire Police
- 2.25-2.45 Archaeological uses of satellite imagery: lessons for forensic remote sensing. Dr Martin J F Fowler, South Wonston, Winchester
- 2.50-3.10 Current MOD remote sensing techniques, including photogrammetry for rapid response operations. John Sykes, OGD, Special Projects Flight, Ministry of Defence
- 3.13-3.45 TEA & COFFEE.
- 3.45-4.05 Use of thermal helicopter video transmitted to hand held devices and dogs for criminal tracking, and body searching. Gil Boyd
- 4.10-4.30 Current practice in body search & recovery. Mark Harrison MBE, National Crime Faculty