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- Date: Wednesday 9 December 2020
- Time: 17:00-18:30 GMT (i.e. UK time)
- Venue: Virtual
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting (31 August 2019)
- Matters Arising
- ISAP Fund: Open Call [was introduced, see report of ManCom]
- Ordinary Members [six were co-opted]
- New membership fees [has not led to a decrease in membership]
- Members to write for ISAPNews [could be improved, discussion below]
- Proofreading service [policy document and email list were set up; should be used more]
- State on web page that ICAP abstract books are peer reviewed [added]
- Financial Statement
- Annual Report of the Management Committee
- ISAP Fund: recent funding rounds
- Online events organised/facilitated
- ISAPNews now three issues per year
- ArchaeoLandscapes International and EAA ‘Archaeological Prospection Community’
- Questions to the Membership
- Should the quorum for virtual AGMs also be 10%? And be calculated based on the paid members from the last membership year?
- ISAPNews
- Encourage more contributions from members
- Guest editors for special issues (e.g. regional, thematic)
- Should older issues be made freely available?
- Should resources be spent to create DOI-tagged articles?
- Next AGM
- ICAP Lyon 2021, probably 10 Setpt 2021
- Any other Business