Albert Hesse was born 1938, Casablanca/Morocco and studied Engineering at the “Ecole Nationale supérieure des Arts et metiers” from 1960. In 1964 he received his Docteur-ingénieur at the Paris University. From 1960 -1999 he was working as a researcher at the «Centre national de la recherche scientifique» (CNRS) and from 1982- 1987 he became director at the «Centre de recherches géophysiques», Garchy/France. He was member at the Standing Committee «International Archaeometry Symposium» and since 1984 he is member at the «Comité des travaux historiques et Scientifiques» (CTHS), Paris, section Pré- et Protohistoire, (Ministère de l’éducation nationale, France). From 1993- 1999 he was associate editor for «Archaeometry» (Oxford) and from 1994-1999 associate editor for «Archaeological Prospection» (Bradford). From 1976-1987 he was a founding member, General Secretary and President of «Groupe des methods pluridisciplinaires contribuant à l’archéologie» (GMPCA); «Revue d’archéométrie». He was awarded «Chevalier de l’Ordre des arts et lettres» (Ministère de la culture, France) in 1986. His field work within archaeological prospections included various methods like archive studies, aerial and pedestrian observation, surface collections and geophysics which he accomplished in several countries: France (including Antilles), Mexico, Honduras, England, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Cameroon, Mali, Burundi, Madagascar, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Uzbekistan, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. His scientific contributions in archeometry are in archeomagnetism, metrology, archaeological statistics.
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute: Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology (2011). International Conference and Workshop “Pioneering Archaeological Prospection”, 9th – 12th October 2011, Laa an der Thaya, Austria