The Society’s logo was designed by Bronwen Russell and Klaus Löcker, and realised by Armin Schmidt in November 2004. Copyright of the logo is held by ISAP.
Important: Please read the Statement of Acceptable Use (below) and note in particular that no derived copies of the logo may be created, especially not in JPEG format. The GIF files have lower resolution and a transparent background, making them useful for Web pages.
[ Logo.tif | Logo.gif ] |
[ Logo_Grey.tif | Logo_Grey.gif ] |
[ Logo_Symbol.tif | Logo_Symbol.gif ] |
[ Logo_Symbol_Small.tif | Logo_Symbol_Small.gif ] |
[ Logo_Symbol_Large.png] |
Statement of Acceptable Use
The logos may be used in the following ways.
- The image files with the logos may not be altered and have to be used as downloaded from this page. This is to ensure the integrity of the font (e.g. no shearing) and the quality of appearance (e.g. no jpg artefacts). When incorporating a logo into a document together with other substantial elements from which then a derived image or pdf is created, the resulting deteriorations may be acceptable. If in doubt, please contact ISAP.
- If you are an Institutional/Corporate Member you can use the logo(s) on your web page and on other corporate material. Please add the text “Institutional Member” or “Corporate Member” (depending on your organisations’ self-description) alongside the logo and, where possible, a link to the relevant web page where your Institutional Membership is shown: When you institutional membership has lapsed, please remove the logo(s).
- If you prepare material on behalve of ISAP you can use any of the logos as required.